In some of the pictures the subjects are out of focus while the background is sharp. 一些照片背景很清晰,被摄主体却因失焦而显得模糊。
The deficit in the US balance of payments put these considerations out of focus 美国的国际收支逆差使这些因素没有得到关注。
The movement towards democracy in Latin America and the foreign debt problems that have plagued it have gone out of focus. 拉丁美洲的民主运动和困扰该地区的外债问题已经淡出人们的视线。
Aiming at the problem that images may be partially blurred because of moving object or out of focus. 目标运动或对焦不准可能造成图像局部模糊。
I think the tower is a bit out of focus. 我看这座塔有点模糊。
The people in the foreground were out of focus. 照片上前面的人照得模糊不清。
The problem is that these hidden social interactions remain out of focus in the experiment. 问题是在这个实验中,这些隐性的社会影响依旧被漠视着。
You can't depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus. 想象力跑焦了,眼力就靠不住了。
Title: Is Your Life Out of Focus? 题目:你的生命是否失去了焦点?
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. 你不可依赖你的眼睛当你的想像力已失焦。
It has a combination of higher resolution and lower contrast and superb out of focus images. 它同时具有高分辨率、低反差和优美的焦外成像。
Their personages or portraits are not standard, they are uncut and out of focus. 他们的人物或肖像多不标准,边幅不剪,焦距模糊。
At their edges things were pretty much out of focus. 在他们的角度上有很多东西都是模糊的。
The telescope got out of focus. 望远镜聚焦不稳了。
She's never taken a picture out of focus. 她照相时从未失焦过。
Improved out of focus at1m, in the tele-macro mode. 改进了1米处的重点在长焦微距模式。
On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding no fish. I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus. 在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。我拍了几张照片,可惜焦点都没对准。
For me, your explanation is a bit out of focus. 对我来说,你的解释还不太清楚。
You're right! It's out of focus. how'd you know? 没错,焦距模糊了,你怎么知道?
The Christian image-out of focus, blurry and remote-has been pushed into the background. 这一基督教图示模糊而疏远的已经退居到幕后。
As well as my recent e-commerce to be carried out to focus the direction of the field of standards. 以及我国近期将开展的电子商务领域的标准集中方向。
Don't go too fast or you'll get out of focus. 别走太悄快,否则就找不住焦点。
I don't like taking those drugs, they make my eyes go out of focus and I can't see clearly. 我不喜欢服那些药,那些药伤我的眼睛,使我看不清东西。
The camera was a bit out of focus when I took that one. 我拍那张照片的时候,照相机没有完全调节好。
Only a bit out of focus. 只是焦距有点不对。
The children's faces were badly out of focus in the photograph. 照片上孩子们的面部非常模糊。
Youve seen them in the background of photos of Danson and Highsmith, out of focus and eyes closed. 你可以在丹森和海史密斯的照片背景中看到他们,不是焦点,眼睛闭着。
When a photograph isn't in focus, it isn't clear, it's out of focus. 当照片没对准焦距时,就不清楚,或者说模糊。
The author further explores how the functionalist approach is applied to humor translation by summing up two possible situations and points out focus should be put on the realization of the primary function when it conflicts with the realization of the basic function in the translation process. 随后作者将幽默翻译归纳为两种情形来探讨功能翻译策略的应用,指出当幽默文本的首要功能的实现与其基本功能的实现产生矛盾时,在翻译过程中应该以满足实现首要功能为第一目的。